Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Last Year As A Twenty... And Counting!!!

OK! So after my last post, I decided I should really get out of this misery. And after reading it, I thought I was pretty pathetic. Darn. 

How could I let someone do that to me?

My friends will definitely kill me if they saw that post. This is exactly the thing that we have been avoiding. We wanted men to fall for us, not the other way around. Yes, I am perhaps the only hopeless romantic in the group. To be honest, my friends, are more into sex than love, I guess, that's what you should do in your twenties, huh?! At least that what JR told me one time: "We;re still young and beautiful girl, let's make the most out of it. We can fall in love after our twenties,". Well, we are already in our last year in our twenties, and I know, I know, that shouldn't be an excuse. In fact that should BE the reason why I shouldn't fall in love for now. Haaaa, I'm even more confused. I have got to stop thinking. 

I'll update you more later. Right now, I'm too stressed to continue. 

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